A union of 6,500 workers is protesting against the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) for not regularising their jobs. A majority of them are enrolled in the temporary muster roll (TMT) and want to be on the regular muster roll (RMR). Under the TMR, they are given jobs for four to six months, but under the RMR, they are employed throughout the year. A regular position under the RMR assures them of jobs at construction sites, and as drivers and peons, among others.
Some of the workers have been protesting from as far back as 1989. Sunil Kumar, who works at construction sites, said, "I have been protesting for the past 15 years. For six months I work and for the next six months I have nothing to do. How can they deny us what we deserve? We are devoid of all benefits. This is dirty politics. We worked for 15 hours a day during the Commonwealth Games hoping that our demands would be fulfilled. But Diwali is here and we have no work, which means no money. If they do not meet our demands within a week we will protest outside the NDMC chairman's house."
Another worker, Mukesh, who has been protesting for the last seven years, alleged that some workers had been given regular positions internally. "We get Rs 203 a day and on Sundays, we get nothing even if we work long hours. We are scared to raise our voice because this is our only source of income and we don't have any security. "What if they remove us?" he asked. Sachin, a driver of taxis for NDMC, said it was the same story every year. "The authorities make false promises and persuade us to work for some time. I am not asking for a permanent position but a regular one so that my job is secure," said Sachin.
Anand Tiwari, public relations officer with NDMC, declined to comment on the matter, but said, "A committee was formed last month to look into the matter. We are waiting for the findings, which are expected soon."
7 November 2010 — The Sunday Guardian.
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